Mardi Gras Bingo Free Printable

Dec 05, 2018 During Mardi Gras parades, it's customary for the people on the parade floats to toss out colorful plastic beads and plastic coins, known as doubloons. Parades are organized by krewes, associations that put on a parade or ball for Mardi Gras. Use the following free printables to teach your students more about Louisiana's state holiday. With colorful pictures, these Mardi Gras game cards are more sophisticated than any other bingo games you’ll find & that’s why people love them. You can order & print up to 50 Mardi Gras party games now. You’ll get a unique set of Mardi Gras bingo cards, so you can print & play right away (a PDF file you can keep). 50 Mardi Gras Bingo Cards.

Print 2 pages of Mardi Gras Bingo Bingo Cards for free. Download a PDF with 2 free pages of bingo cards plus instructions and a randomized call sheet. Customize the events, add your own free space, change the BINGO header, or add a fun checkerboard, etc.

  • Mardi gras bingo card with purple, noise, dancing, jester, fleur de les, beads, february, baby, king cake and king Bingo Card Generator Bingo Cards Help Login/Sign Up MARDI GRAS.
  • Mardi Gras Vocabulary. Print the pdf: Mardi Gras Vocabulary Sheet. Introduce your students to.

Using a browser, play with 2 pages of Mardi Gras Bingo for free. You host a game and invite a guest via a link. If you enjoy the game, purchase more randomly generated pages below and invite all of your family, friends, coworkers!

Mardi Gras Bingo Bingo Cards | | application/pdf | Game, Printable | All PDF Readers | Baby Doll,Beads,Beignets,Brennan’s,Cajun,Carnival,Chicory,Coconuts,Crawdads,Crypt,Doubloons,Drag Queen,Epiphany,French Quarter,Frenchmen Street,Gumbo,Hurricane,Jambalaya,Justice,Lafitte’s,Lent,Let the good times roll,Muffuletta,Pat O’Brien’s,Sazerac,Second Line,St Louis,Tits,Treme,Vieux Carre,Voodoo,Zydeco

Purchased packs are electronically delivered and contain either 10, 25, 50 or 100 randomly generated bingo cards of the 2 page free sample on this page. You may print these packs over and over again forever.

10 pages
25 pages
50 pages
100 pages
Pay using Paypal, no account required.

Each order includes a free BETA link to play the game entirely online.

Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced

Mardi Gras Bingo Free Printable

  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an 'X')
  • First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout 'Bingo!'. You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes
Mardi Gras - Bingo
ChicoryLafitte’sTremeFrenchmen StreetDoubloons
CoconutsLentSecond LineJusticeMuffuletta
Pat O’Brien’sBrennan’sTHE BIG EASYBeignetsLet the good times roll
BeadsDrag QueenVieux CarreCarnivalZydeco
TitsBaby DollSazeracHurricaneSt Louis
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 32 events:
Baby Doll,Beads,Beignets,Brennan’s,Cajun,Carnival,Chicory,Coconuts,Crawdads,Crypt,Doubloons,Drag Queen,Epiphany,French Quarter,Frenchmen Street,Gumbo,Hurricane,Jambalaya,Justice,Lafitte’s,Lent,Let the good times roll,Muffuletta,Pat O’Brien’s,Sazerac,Second Line,St Louis,Tits,Treme,Vieux Carre,Voodoo,Zydeco.
Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced
  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an 'X')
  • First to get all squares

Mardi Gras Bingo Game

Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout 'Bingo!'. You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes
Mardi Gras - Bingo
St LouisVoodooCryptZydecoTits
GumboFrenchmen StreetVieux CarreJusticeDrag Queen
MuffulettaLafitte’sTHE BIG EASYSazeracBeignets
Brennan’sFrench QuarterSecond LineBeadsTreme
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 32 events:
Baby Doll,Beads,Beignets,Brennan’s,Cajun,Carnival,Chicory,Coconuts,Crawdads,Crypt,Doubloons,Drag Queen,Epiphany,French Quarter,Frenchmen Street,Gumbo,Hurricane,Jambalaya,Justice,Lafitte’s,Lent,Let the good times roll,Muffuletta,Pat O’Brien’s,Sazerac,Second Line,St Louis,Tits,Treme,Vieux Carre,Voodoo,Zydeco.
Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced
Mardi Gras Bingo Free PrintableGoals:
  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an 'X')
  • First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout 'Bingo!'. You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes
Mardi gras bingo free printable card

Are you hosting a MUSES Mardi Gras party? Your guests will love playing MUSES Mardi Gras Bingo! Download 2 free pages of MUSES Mardi Gras Bingo including instructions and a randomized call sheet.

Broken down floatLipstick mark on your cheek from a Marching KreweAlcohol abuse by dropping a beverageTourist asking where Bourbon street isTall stranger standing in front of you
Tourist wasted way too early in the eveningThe ladder seats kids sit in emptySomeone taking a shot from a flaskHorse PoopingA fight between two parents over something caught from the parade
Rider passed out on floatCrying childFREEPeople attempting to cross the street get stopped by copsA couple of strangers making out (with tongue)
Blinky Beads around your neckExtra tractor driver who looks pissedThe Marching 100Muses Shoe that you caughtA Stranger Inappropriately flashing
Empty lawn chairsSmall child running through your legs to steal beadsA phallus (real or implied) on a parade floatThe shopping cart full of parade light up SWAGPet in costume
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 24 events:
A Stranger Inappropriately flashing,A couple of strangers making out (with tongue),A fight between two parents over something caught from the parade,A phallus (real or implied) on a parade float,Alcohol abuse by dropping a beverage,Blinky Beads around your neck,Broken down float,Crying child,Empty lawn chairs,Extra tractor driver who looks pissed,Horse Pooping,Lipstick mark on your cheek from a Marching Krewe,Muses Shoe that you caught,People attempting to cross the street get stopped by cops,Pet in costume,Rider passed out on float,Small child running through your legs to steal beads,Someone taking a shot from a flask,Tall stranger standing in front of you,The Marching 100,The ladder seats kids sit in empty,The shopping cart full of parade light up SWAG,Tourist asking where Bourbon street is,Tourist wasted way too early in the evening.
Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced
  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an 'X')
  • First to get all squares
Guest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout 'Bingo!'. You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes
Lipstick mark on your cheek from a Marching KreweBroken down floatThe Marching 100The ladder seats kids sit in emptyRider passed out on float
Tourist asking where Bourbon street isA fight between two parents over something caught from the paradePeople attempting to cross the street get stopped by copsA Stranger Inappropriately flashingA couple of strangers making out (with tongue)
Crying childExtra tractor driver who looks pissedFREEThe shopping cart full of parade light up SWAGBlinky Beads around your neck
Pet in costumeEmpty lawn chairsMuses Shoe that you caughtTourist wasted way too early in the eveningAlcohol abuse by dropping a beverage
Someone taking a shot from a flaskA phallus (real or implied) on a parade floatSmall child running through your legs to steal beadsHorse PoopingTall stranger standing in front of you
This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 24 events:
A Stranger Inappropriately flashing,A couple of strangers making out (with tongue),A fight between two parents over something caught from the parade,A phallus (real or implied) on a parade float,Alcohol abuse by dropping a beverage,Blinky Beads around your neck,Broken down float,Crying child,Empty lawn chairs,Extra tractor driver who looks pissed,Horse Pooping,Lipstick mark on your cheek from a Marching Krewe,Muses Shoe that you caught,People attempting to cross the street get stopped by cops,Pet in costume,Rider passed out on float,Small child running through your legs to steal beads,Someone taking a shot from a flask,Tall stranger standing in front of you,The Marching 100,The ladder seats kids sit in empty,The shopping cart full of parade light up SWAG,Tourist asking where Bourbon street is,Tourist wasted way too early in the evening.

Mardi Gras Bingo Cards Printable

Host Instructions:
  • Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
  • Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
  • Cross off events from the list when announced

Free Printable Mardi Gras Decorations


Mardi Gras Bingo Free Printable

  • First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
  • First to get the four corners
  • First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an 'X')
  • First to get all squares

Mardi Gras Bingo Cards

Mardi gras bingo cardsGuest Instructions:
  • Check off events on your card as they occur
  • If you complete a goal, shout 'Bingo!'. You've won!
  • The judge decides in the case of disputes